Does Lemonade Helps in weight loss?. Lemonade is a bargain juice and that prepares quickly. In addition to delicious and very refreshing, the lemon is an important ally of diet, thanks to its powerful detoxifying effect. This happens because the fruit contains a high content of citric acid, which helps to dissolve toxins and fats, in addition to improving the circulation and immunity.
Before breakfast, lunch or dinner, take half glass of water with lemon (place sweetener if you prefer), or use the juice to temper the tomato grated to put in the bread. If you prefer larger quantities of fruit early on, it is best not to drink the juice in fasting, that can attack stomachs more sensitive.
Two to three units per day is enough to notice a difference in the balance – provided, of course, the consumption of lemon is coupled with a balanced diet. In addition, the lemon reduce fat helps lower cholesterol, detoxify and alkalinize the blood and activates the immune system. Some of those responsible for all these benefits are a rich source of vitamin C and a substance called D-limonene, an active principle present in their shell, which helps to combat anxiety, depression, cancer, in addition to dissolve calculations renal and unclog the arteries.
For being a big aide in the treatment of all these diseases physical, psychological and emotional, the fruit ends up being used in floral, therapies and also in aromatherapy, as a way to re-balance the body and the mind.
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