Thursday, January 21, 2016

How To Lose 20 Lbs Fast - 5 Tips To Start Today

If you wish to answer the question"how to lose 20 lbs fast", there are some basic things you need to be aware of. Today's high fat, high calorie and low mobility lifestyle is not helping us much when it comes to achieving that trim, toned figure we all want to have. We live in an era where food is available in abundance.

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We are bombarded with flashy TV advertisements and glossy magazine ads that stimulate our appetites and tempt us to rush to the nearest fast food outlet for some great tasting cheeseburgers or mouth watering pizza.
To make matters worse, physical activity is not longer a main part of our modern lifestyle. We have cars, limos, public transportation to transport to anywhere we want to go at amazing speeds. We have the elevator to carry us; no longer do we need to climb the stairs. This kind of sedentary and luxurious lifestyle has created a generation of overweight and obese individuals. So if you are stuck in this situation, how do you lose weight fast? And if you have an important event just around the corner, you would definitely be interested to answer this question-how to lose 20 lbs fast?

How to Lose 20 Lbs Fast

1. Calorie Counting

The first step to effective weight loss comes with knowing the right amount of food you need to consume per day in order to drop those excess pounds and inches. The normal recommended daily intake for a man would be somewhere around 3,500 calories. For the women, it would be within the range of 2500-3000 calories. The daily requirements would need to take into account the lifestyle and body size of the individual.

2. Thermogenic Food

Thermogenic food refers to those kind of food which would burn more energy when hey are consumed than the ones they would be providing the body with. High fiber foods such as fruits and vegetables would definitely fall into this category. Aside from that, lean meat, protein and certain herbs are thermogenic foods as well. One very popular recipe to help people lose weight fast is to combine a spoonful of cayenne pepper with a cup of honey diluted with apple cider vinegar. Those who can consume this concoction on a daily basis can expect to dramatically rev up the metabolism and see rapid weight loss within a short duration of time. If you are looking for unique way how to lose 20 lbs fast, this recipe might just be right for you.

3. Water

Drink plenty of water if you want to lose weight. Yes, water will help you lose weight as it removes the need for your body to retain excess water if you supply it daily with fresh, energetic liquid. Water retention is a major cause of hose puffy eyes, bloated tummies and excess fat stored around the waistline.

4. Eat Smaller Meals

This is a well kept secret used by medical professionals and those who get to know about the wonders of spreading your three huge meals into smaller meals. Every time food is consumed your body will get into an active state where the metabolic and digestive systems will be in high gear to turn the food into energy. These processes require energy of their own and when the food intake is less than what is required, it will start using up the stored fat. If you combine this trick with the intake of thermogenic food, you can see some dramatic weight loss soon! If you are looking at ways how to lose 20lbs fast, this is a great trick you can apply immediately.

5. Walking.

Walking has been a popular activity around for many people. But are you aware that walking can be a great way to help you lose weight fast? Brisk walking would be the best way to turn up your natural fat burning mechanism. But a slow evening stroll would be just fine if you aren't particularly interested to engage in high intensity workouts.

These are five helpful tips to help you answer this important question" how to lose 20 lbs fast." If you are diligent in applying all of these weight loss secrets we share with you today, you would definitely be seeing some pounds and inches dropping off real soon.

How To Lose Fat On Your Face - 5 Tips You Can Use Today

It can be exasperating to have a fat face and chubby cheeks. Add to that the dreaded double chin and you are in for some unhappy moments ahead. We all desire to have the perfect image of high cheekbones, well-defined facial lines, and slim, sexy chin to go along with it. But this is easier said than done. Getting that picture perfect look is difficult when you have are burdened with excess fat on your face. So what could be the answer to this question how to lose fat on your face right away without resorting to surgery?" Let's find out.

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You may be interested to know how to burn fat face easily and effectively right at home without resorting to dangerous surgery or expensive treatments to get rid of your facial fat. Here are five tips how to lose fat on your face.

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Tip 1: Reduce Your Body Fat

It may be hard to believe but you can dramatically reduce your facial fat chance by lowering your total body fat! Many people have reported having a slimmer face and sharper jaw lines just by dropping the body fat so it would be between within the range of 15% to 20%. If you currently have very high body fat, this can be a considerable feat to achieve, but with the correct mindset and the right strategy, this can be reached if you are consistent in your effort.

Tip 2: Reduce Salt

Take some extra steps to remove salt for your daily menu. Salt is the major cause of water retention. Your body will cling on tot h stored water which only adds to the overall puffiness and gives you an unhealthy bloated look. Avoid crispy foods, fried foods and potato chips if you to have a slimmer face and lose fat on those areas.

Tip 3: Drink Water

To enable your body to remove the excess stored water in the body, you would need to replenish it with fresh water daily. Experts recommend an amount of eight to ten glasses for water per day. If you follow this tip, you would enjoy a clearer and smoother complexion and a slimmer brighter face in no time at all!

Tip 4: Remove Stress

Stress can cause your face to become puffy and bloated too. The stress hormones are in some way causing fat to be built upon your belly and face areas which can leave you with a very unattractive look! So if you want to lose fat on your face, consider lowering the level of stress you experience on a daily basis by including some form of relaxation in your daily schedule.

Tip 5: Slimming Creams and Masks

There are some innovative products going around that claims to help you lose face fat by using slimming masks and creams. Most of these wore by removing excess water from the surrounding cells. So in the end you would end up looking slimmer and more attractive as a result of using these masks. There are even homemade remedies which would help you reduce the water retention on your face through homemade facial masks using honey and sea salt.

These are all effective tips if you are looking at ways how to lose fat on your face. Before resorting to dangerous surgery, consider following these tips we share.

Rapid Quick Weight Loss Done Right

If you are looking to lose weight then I am here to tell you that you are in for an adventurous ride. Losing weight can be hard and seem like somewhat of a struggle. Day in and day out people are looking to lose weight but have no where to turn, They don't know where to look, They don't know who to talk to.

That's OK, because there is resources out there out to help you such as this article. I am going to give you some advise on what you can do to start looking weight when you need to lose weight the most.

When the holidays are near it can be even more hard to lose the weight and so many people flock to lose weight come the new year, There are so many new years resolutions to get fit and in shape.

Here are some things that you can start to do now to start losing weight for the new year:

Start walking at least 20 minutes a day, and start eating healthy. Here are some things that you can start eating now to help with weight loss.

Green veggies
Fresh fruits
Whole grains

Here are some supplements that you can start taking to help lose weight:

Fish oil
Flax seed
Multi vitamins

These are all these that you can include in your system to start losing weight and feel great while you do it. If you have followed some of the directions in this article then you can begin to see results in just as little as 30 days.

How To Lose Belly Fat - 5 Tips To Use Now

Fat is not always negative. We need fat to keep us warm, protect our internal organs from damage and keeps us healthy and our cells in prefer condition. It keeps our skin glowing. But fat becomes a problem when it is available in excess in the body. It disfigures us, puts our health at risk and cause us to feel tires and lethargic the whole day. Additionally excess fat especially belly fat can cause serious illnesses such as heart disease and abates. So how to lose belly fat fast if you are one of those plagued with the dreaded pot belly?

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Women may be obsessed with ways how to lose belly fat fast since it hurts their looks and appearance in a negative way. The modern women are more prone to developing pot belly due to the high level of stress, the need to keep up with the demands at the workplace, the additional chores at home and a horde of other problem haunting the woman today. The hectic schedule simply means there is no time left to exercise. Women who have protruding tummies may be depressed trying to figure out how to lose belly fat fast and effectively.

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But men are not spared from this problem either. No one what to go around looking like an eight month pregnant women along with the man's boobs too! Today's competitive workplace and the high targets set makes men strive harder and stronger, which all adds up to the stress level, An men too are complaining of having less time for themselves to exercise. Most of them would be too tired after a hard days work to spend more time to hit the gym. So if you happen to be one of them you may wonder just how to lose belly fat under these circumstances?

It can be a very demanding task but here are five simple tips to help you get started.

Tip 1: Exercise

There are no excuses allowed here, you need to exercise now. If you haven't already started on your own exercise program this is a great time to check out some of the options available and choose one that you feel might be suitable for you. Take into account your personal interest and the level of fitness you enjoy when choosing the program.

Tip 2: Food

Stay away from fattening food, and food that is high in salt content. Salt tends to cause the body to retain water which account for that bloated look in your belly area. Start consuming plenty of energizing food scubas fruits and vegetables for a change. You will soon notice your skin getting brighter and takes on a healthy glow if you follow this diet.

Tip 3: Slimming Wraps

This is a new way to lose belly fat but it works. If you are wondering how to lose belly fat fast for an upcoming unimportant event, then go for these wraps! They can be purchased under several commercial brands or you can even create one in your own home.

Tip 4: Sauna

If you have time to spare consider going for a special treat at the local spa. Get into sauna room which would help detoxify your body. You would feel refreshed and raring to go just after one session in one of these sauna rooms.

Tip 5: Meditation

Now for that final touch, get a nice session of meditation to help lower your stress level and pout you in a more empowering state of mind. You may choose to follow some home made videos on mediation or you can even join into a club that specializes in these activities. It also helps to have a tutor or a guru you can rely on.

Threes are five very effective ways to help if you are looking at how to lose belly fat without expensive surgery.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Lose Belly Fat | The 4 Elements of Belly Fat Reduction

Lose Belly Fat  The 4 Elements of Belly Fat Reduction.
What Causes belly fat : 1) Lack of Sleep

2) Sugar & Bad Fats

3) Lack of Exercise:

4) Stress:

5) Processed Food:

6) Alcohol:

The 4 Elements of Belly Fat Reduction:

a) CUT DOWN BAD FAT and stick to good fats : olive oil, nuts, oily fish and flax seed.

b) KEEP TRACK Download a calorie tracking app to keep track of your calorie intake. Dietitians recommend a daily average of 2,000 calories

c) INCREASE DAILY PROTEIN Protein should account for at least 30% of your caloric intake

d) AVOID SUGARY FOODS as well as processed or fried food
a) RUNNING : at 8 mph can boost your metabolism by 13.5 times.

b) CYCLING: for 90 minutes at a moderate speed can burn 1,000 calories.

c) JUMP ROPING: can burn 11 calories per minutes.

NOT GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP leads to overeating. Aim for 6-8 hours sleep a Night

MIX IT UP: by doing different exercises that work different parts of your core:
a) Stability Ball Jackknife:
b) Decline Crunches:
c) Ab Roller:
d) Hanging Leg Raises:


How To Lose Weight 5 Simple Tips

Smarter Training
Do you know that,  you can really lose weight and keep your metabolism active for more time, if you make between 3 and 4 sessions shorter than 10 minutes workout and longer than between 30 and 40 minutes of duration.

An investigation of the University of Pittsburgh found that women who divide their meeting of 40 minutes of cardiovascular exercises in 4 training sessions of 10 minutes each one during the day, lost 20 pounds while…the group of women who made a large meeting of 40 minutes of exercise cardio lost 14 pounds and the reason why the shorter sessions are best is due to you never give your metabolism of burning of fat a chance to slow down.
Take a break to lose weight faster

To lose weight faster, A study of a University of Tokyo found that people who took a break of 20 minutes in approximately half of its meetings cardio one hour, burned 20% more fat than the people who trained for an hour without stopping due to…Take short break of 20 minutes in your exercises makes your hormones to burn fat work better.
Drink More Water
For lose weight drink more water because the water reduces the amount of stored fat in your body your kidneys become lazy in your work when you do not drink enough water and as a result of not drinking water, your kidneys deliver most of its work not done to your liver.

One of the functions of your liver is to help your body burn stored fat for energy and will not be able to make that work completely if you have to also make the work of your kidneys. If you do not drink water will give to him to your liver double work, thus reducing its potential to burn fat causing you warehouses more fat. If you drink enough water your kidneys stop being lazy, will make their work to excrete waste of your body
Rapid weight loss = you eat more fruits and raw vegetables

Your body has to burn many calories to unfold the fruits and raw vegetables you eat, so basically… You are losing weight faster each time you eat fruits and vegetables and the people whose diets are predominantly fruits and vegetables tend to lose weight faster and keep your weight for much longer in addition.

The fruits and vegetables give you a more durable energy while fighting against the desire to eat, which means it never increase weight but that fruits and vegetables will keep you burning fat.
Drink green tea
Studies show that you can burn between 35% and 43% more fat during the days that babies 3 to 5 cups of green tea, If you do not have time to prepare your own green tea then you can simply take a pill dietetics of green tea, You can use a fat burner as one of those who are here that contain green tea and also other ingredients fat burners.

Apple Cider Vinegar Helps In Weight Loss

Apple Cider Vinegar Helps In Weight Loss. For thousands of years, apple cider vinegar has been used for weight loss. It is said that take some tea spoons of vinegar before meals can reduce the appetite and desires while stimulating metabolism. Only the apple cider vinegar lose weight? Without healthy eating and sufficient physical activity, apple cider vinegar can not do any miracles. But the consumption of apple cider vinegar can help to reduce the body weight and help in the Burning of localized fat, giving many other benefits to health.

It is believed that the apple cider vinegar accelerates the weight loss, because it helps to control blood sugar levels and suppress appetite. In a study performed showed a decrease in weight and modest reduction in appetite with the ingestion of 30 ml of vinegar. This study led to the conclusion that the ingestion of apple cider vinegar reduces the body weight, the levels of earth and triglyceride levels of body fat.

Acetic Acid is a primary component of vinegar, can help to eliminate the accumulation of body fat. However, there are not many studies made about apple cider vinegar and weight loss in humans. More studies are necessary before that we know with certainty if the vinegar has any benefits of burning fat. The vinegar of Apple in a diet can increase the metabolism and helps in weight loss.
Studies show that the apple cider vinegar can help balances blood sugar levels, decreasing the glycemic index of the meal. It is true that the prevention of peaks of sugar in blood can withstand the weight loss.
How to use the apple cider vinegar for weight loss?

It is recommended to mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. The vinegar of apple is very acid and can cause irritation of the throat and stomach. In effect, this should always be diluted with water or juice. Check with your physician before taking over the long term, especially if you have health problems. That said, people have used apple cider vinegar for years, without secondary effects known which is being reported.

Does Lemonade Helps in weight loss?

Does Lemonade Helps in weight loss?. Lemonade is a bargain juice and that prepares quickly. In addition to delicious and very refreshing, the lemon is an important ally of diet, thanks to its powerful detoxifying effect. This happens because the fruit contains a high content of citric acid, which helps to dissolve toxins and fats, in addition to improving the circulation and immunity.
Before breakfast, lunch or dinner, take half glass of water with lemon (place sweetener if you prefer), or use the juice to temper the tomato grated to put in the bread. If you prefer larger quantities of fruit early on, it is best not to drink the juice in fasting, that can attack stomachs more sensitive.

Two to three units per day is enough to notice a difference in the balance – provided, of course, the consumption of lemon is coupled with a balanced diet. In addition, the lemon reduce fat helps lower cholesterol, detoxify and alkalinize the blood and activates the immune system. Some of those responsible for all these benefits are a rich source of vitamin C and a substance called D-limonene, an active principle present in their shell, which helps to combat anxiety, depression, cancer, in addition to dissolve calculations renal and unclog the arteries.
For being a big aide in the treatment of all these diseases physical, psychological and emotional, the fruit ends up being used in floral, therapies and also in aromatherapy, as a way to re-balance the body and the mind.

7 Best Exercises To Lose Weight

Loss weight is the desire to almost all the women that are (or consider be) with some pounds to more. However, the task is not always easy. Lose weight requires discipline and persistence. Good nutrition is the basis of everything, but it is no secret that physical activity can give a thumbs up in this battle against the balance!
Below you confers a list with these and other activities excellent for losing weight:


The running is a modality of physical exercise very convenient to programs for the control of body weight, as explains expert. “One of the advantages is the largest energy demand for the practice of the race, thus reducing the time to achieve the desired results, if compared to other forms of physical exercise,” says. With the race, depending on the intensity, it is possible to spend around 500 calories per hour.

Swimming is, without doubt, a great exercise to lose weight, especially in summer when people feel more motivated to go to classes that, in addition to everything, refreshes. “The swimming brings as positive factor the buoyancy that, in the aquatic environment, reduces the joint overload. As the water offers more resistance than air, the swimming still causes a good muscle mass gain.

Cycling is good way to weight loss. In this type of activity, the overload imposed at the joints of body weight support is minimal, minimizing the risk of injury,” says the professional. Cycling outdoors is, in addition to everything, an excellent leisure option. And the good news is that, depending on the intensity in that if we can burn your ride, from 500 to 1000 calories per hour.

Although some people doubt, the walk is, yes, a great ally for people who want to lose weight. “The walk is recommended for women who seek exit the sedentary lifestyle or for those with excessive amount of body weight and who do not tolerate more intense physical efforts.

It is a sport that, in addition to burn calories, helps toning thighs and legs. Requires rapid movements, much attention and still provides socialization among the players. You can burn up to 800 calories per hour.

This is perhaps one of the most fun ways to lose weight. The dance works with the whole body and helps to relieve and/or avoid stress. But attention, the activity must be made by at least one hour, at an intense pace. Thus it is possible to burn between 600 and 800 calories.

Is Soy Milk Good For Health And Weight Loss?

The soy milk provides numerous benefits to health and weight loss. Learn more about it.

For centuries, soy is a grain much cultivated in the Middle East, especially in China and Japan, where it serves as an ingredient for various dishes. After scientific studies, demonstrated the efficacy of soy in the fight against diseases including cancer and diabetes. One of the most consumed in Brazil products made from this grain is the soy milk, which has several benefits for health.
Check out them here
Benefits of Soy Milk
The soy milk brings in its composition 40% protein, which balances the levels of glucose and insulin levels in the blood, which reduces the risks of kidney problems. As it has also fibers, deviates from diabetes, preventing the insufficiency of the kidneys.

Though not as complete as the cow’s milk and egg of chicken with relation to proteins, the soy milk has its advantages, since no cholesterol or saturated fat.

The soybean also brings benefits to those who must have a good memory and improve of asthma crises, as it possesses vitamin B12. In addition, contains isoflavone rely, very important to the prevention of cancer as the colon of uterus, breast and prostate cancer. If compared to cow’s milk, the soy milk has only 29.3% of calcium, but is already a great ally against Osteoporosis and other diseases of the bones, mainly for people who present lactose intolerance.

Soy milk Fatness

By contain active more amino acids, the soy milk helps to burn the body fat. However, this product alone will not make the desired effect provided that it is taken in conjunction with regular physical exercises and balanced feeding.

Products made with the Soy Milk

If you do not like the taste of soya, there are countless options on the market that disguise its taste. They range from fruit juices the chocolates, meats, cheeses, burgers among others.
In this way, there is no way to twist the nose to the foods made of soybean. Its flavor is practically equal to the imitated and even more tasty. Therefore, begin entering the soy milk in their food and enjoy all the benefits that this delicious drink can bring you.

Many are the benefits offered by the soy milk, but unfortunately, it can be harmful for some groups of people. Studies demonstrate that patients with hypothyroidism have suffered from undesirable effects on thyroid when consumed the excess product because of the presence of isoflavone rely. However, are not prohibited to swalow it, and yes, do it moderately. Therefore, scientists recommend doses up to 50 grams of isoflavone rely per day, which is equivalent to 500 ml of soy milk.
Pregnant women, children and the elderly can have the absorption of minerals such as calcium, iron and zinc compromised by consuming the soybeans cooked or processed industrially. Thus, the best way of consumption is doing it naturally, leaving it soak in water until sagging. Thus, can be prepared salads, juices and until the milk.

6 Simple Tips To Abdominal Fat Loss

Does not know what more do the abdominal fat loss? Perhaps the error is in some of their daily habits. Check out 7 simple tips to abdominal fat loss.
To abdominal fat loss, it is good to eat fat, especially monounsaturated fatty acid. When researchers asked to some women to switch to a supply of 1,600 calories with high content of monounsaturated fatty acid, they have lost a third of the belly fat in a month. “monounsaturated fatty acid are satiating breeze, then help to eat less food of low quality,”
Women with symptoms of depression are much more prone to have extra abdominal fat, according to a recent study of the University Medical Center Rush, in the United States. This may be because the depression is linked to the reduction in physical activity and bad eating habits. “Workout! Improves the levels of brain chemicals that regulate the metabolism of fat, as well as its humor,” This increases the motivation to do other things that help move the depression, as see friends. But if you are so upset that not enjoys anything, it is time to seek the help of a therapist.
Fast Food
Simple carbohydrates (as fries) and added sugar (flavored sugary drinks) cause a peak blood sugar, triggering a flood of insulin, a hormone that stimulates the liver to store fat. Instead of focusing on cut fast food, strive to add healthy food to its menu, as an extra dose of fruits and vegetables.
Alcoholic beverage
According to studies beer can in fact be related with abdominal obesity. And although the beer seems to have the greatest impact, since a survey found that alcohol of any kind contributes to the weight gain in women. Therefore, moderation is the key word.
Exercise without effort
A survey showed that the training of high intensity with short periods of activity or smooth rest increases the chances decrease the belly. “high-intensity exercise seems to be more effective in reducing insulin, triglycerides and cortisol, and burns more calories in less time.” If you are cycling, accelerate to a rhythm that makes it difficult to speak for two minutes and then slow down for one minute, repeating this several times. Try a number of movements as crunches or flexing during two minutes each with a pause of 60 seconds between them.
Lack of magnesium

The magnesium regulates more than 300 functions in the body and a studies has discovered that the people that ingesting more had lower levels of blood sugar and insulin. Therefore, at least twice a day, bet in foods rich in Magnesium, such as leaf vegetables dark green, banana and soybeans.

Monday, January 18, 2016

8 Ways to Blast That Belly Pooch

Belly pooch… we all hate it and we all strive to get rid of it. Not only does it zap our self-confidence, it additionally ups our chances of developing diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. So what is the best way to rid yourself of that annoying belly pooch? We’ve got the 411 on the most effective steps you can take.

Go for the cardio: According to experts at WebMD, if belly fat is your target of choice, cardio is the best option to shoot for. Although weight training is important to shape muscles and rev up the metabolism, cardio helps to burn the layer of fat covering the abdominals and causing that pooch. For the best results, shoot for 30-60 minutes of moderate cardio 4-6 times a week.

Eat responsibly: You might think you’re eating healthy by throwing down a muffin for breakfast or munching on pasta for lunch, but these foods can contain partially hydrogenated oils and enriched flours, two major contributors to belly pooch. What’s worse? Studies have shown that eating foods that contain transfat, like crackers, pasta and baked goods, can actually redistribute fat from other areas of the body directly to the belly. (via Doctor Oz)

Load up on MUFAS: So you’re probably wondering, what the heck is a MUFA? MUFA is an acronym for monounsaturated fats. According to Dr. Oz, packing your daily diet full of foods high in monounsaturated fats like olive oil and nuts, actually helps to burn off belly fat while keeping your ravenous appetite totally satisfied.
Go green: Green tea that is. According to a study in the Journal of Functional Foods, people who drink green tea on a regular basis, (about 1 ½ cups a day), have been shown to lose almost 16 times more visceral fat than those who do not. The reason? Green tea contains a group of fat-burning antioxidants called catechins. For a great detox green tea recipe, click here.

Get your beauty sleep: While burning the midnight oil can be great for your career, it’s destroying your body. Jennifer Cohen, an expert at Forbes Magazine, said that getting less than 7 hours of sleep a night can actually disturb the biorhythms of your body. This disturbance can cause you to crave sugary and fattening foods. Losing sleep can additionally raise cortisol levels, causing insulin sensitivity. So try to get in at least 7-8 hours of rest a night for optimal body function.

Break your sugar habit: In addition to getting proper rest, Cohen suggests avoiding sugar whenever possible and replacing those calories with protein, veggies and whole grains. With diet being 80% of the solution to blasting belly pooch, eating the right combination of foods is imperative to success. Need a little help ditching your sugar habit? Click here for some helpful tips.

Increase your protein intake: Did you know that almost 30% of the calories in each gram of protein that you consume is burned in the digestion process? On the contrary, only about 8% of calories from carbs are burned during digestion? So what does this mean? Pumping up the protein and reducing carbs, especially the bad ones, can help your body burn fat simply by eating! (via Men’s Fitness) For some amazing high-protein/low-carb meal options, click here!
Dairy does a body good: According to WebMD, a recent study at the University of Tennessee, linked the consumption of calcium to an astonishing decrease in belly fat. The study showed that consuming fat-free or low-fat dairy three times a day, can actually slow down the body’s ability to produce fat. While the study doesn’t condone filling up on full-fat choices, it does suggest that tossing in a bit of Greek yogurt, cottage cheese or even cheese sticks in their lower-fat forms, can help you lose nearly 10 pounds of belly fat over a 12 week period.

Remember, while each of these tips will, in their own way, help rid you of your belly pooch, it’s always best to combine all efforts for the best defense. Eating a healthy diet and getting in your workouts will not only get you on your way to a flat belly, it will keep you feeling amazing from the inside out.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

How To Lose Inner Thigh Fat - 3 Things You Need To Know

Lose Inner Thigh Fat
Do your thighs rub together enough to give you a rash? Thigh fat is more than just unsightly, it can be atrociously bothersome. If you want to lose inner thigh fat you are together with millions who are trying to trim down their thighs. So to have a head start on getting slimmer and firmer thighs you need to know what it takes to lose inner thigh fat. This article details the best ways to slim down and get those beach body thighs.
Lose fat in General
Every one stores fat differently and the bad news is, that if you store more fat in your thighs it will be that much harder to lose it. But the good news is that its not impossible and with the proper diet and exercise it will become easier over time. Thigh fat is more quickly loss when over all fat loss is happening. So pick out a work out routine that works with your schedule 3 to 4 times a week. Then improve your diet so that your basal metabolic rate increases to a point where your losing any where from 5 to 10 pounds a month. As you lose fat in your whole body your will surely lose inner thigh fat. At the same time tone the inner thigh muscles to speed up the process.
Tone Inner and Outer Thigh muscles
By focusing on all thigh muscles, the inner thigh muscles will naturally lose inner thigh fat. These are the muscles to work on:

o Hamstrings - They are located at the back of your thigh. Your hamstrings extend from the back of your knee up to your butt. 
o Adductor Muscles - These are the inner thigh muscles that bring your thighs together 
o Your quadriceps - The front of your thighs 
o Your hip flexors - The front of your pelvis.

Now that you know the muscles in the thigh use weight resistance to build up the strength in your legs and increase your workout intensity. You can do so with the following exercises.
Inner Thigh Exercises
o Dumbbell Lunges - This exercise is perfect for working all the muscle groups in your thighs such as the quads, gluts, inner and outer thighs and hamstrings
o Leg Extensions - you can use the leg extension machine to work out your quads and in turn give better shape to your inner thighs
o Barbell Squats - this is the best exercise to lose inner thigh fat and for over all leg development.

Once you develop a routine that implements these basics and is repeated you should be guaranteed to lose inner thigh fat and trim your legs to their best.


The Best Nutrition Plan For Fat Loss

What's the Best Nutrition Plan for Fat Loss?

As you may or may not know (if you don't know, this article is exactly what you need), the majority of fat loss happens in the kitchen. You're welcome to run and run and run until you can't run anymore (this post explains why that isn't efficient though), but if you're not eating correctly, you won't see the fat loss results you want to see. Even if you're eating all healthy foods, you STILL might not be seeing the fat loss you want to see. Why is this? It has to do with macronutrients. While eating healthy foods is a good start, at some point, you'll have to move to a more precise diet to really get the level of definition you might want. This article will explain in detail why fat loss occurs and the nutrition plan you should follow to achieve it.

A Quick Overview of Fat

Fat serves many purposes in the body, but the main function of fat is as an energy reserve. Fat is an efficient source of energy because it stores over two times the calories per gram that carbohydrates and protein do (9 cal vs 4 cal, respectively). The average lean adult stores enough fat to sustain life for over two months.

Why Does Fat Loss Occur?

Fat is primarily stored in adipocytes, which can take up or store fat depending on energy levels. Energy levels are determined primarily by food intake. When energy levels are high, fat tends to stay inside the adipocytes. When energy levels are low, such as when fasting or during exercise, insulin levels drop, and epinephrine levels increase. Epinephrine causes the fatty acid to be released from the adipocyte.

The resulting fatty acid then goes through a long journey throughout the body through various processes and cells. If you're interested in learning more about the details of that, check out "The Physiology of Fat Loss" by Dr. Len Kravitz on Google. If you're more interested in how nutrition leads to fat loss, continue reading.
The Fat Loss Nutrition Plan
There is a lot of debate about the right nutrition plan for fat loss. The hard part about it is that it varies from person to person because there are so many variables involved. Your exercise, daily activity level, age, and gender all play a part in how you should structure your fat loss nutrition plan. The most important thing to remember is that no calculator or formula will give you exactly what you need. Your body is unique and every formula will require some tweaking. This is something only you will be able to figure out. Luckily, I'll provide a great place to start right now.

In my personal experience, with clients and with my own body, I've found a lot of success with a macronutrient ratio of 40% Fat: 40% Protein: 20% Carbs. I'll go into a little more detail in a second, but I want to reiterate that this should be used as a starting point. It's likely you'll have to adjust the ratio to find one that works for your body.

When it comes to the 40% Fat, I make sure to incorporate a lot of mono- and saturated fats because these have been found to increase testosterone. I also include polyunsaturated fat. If you're a woman, this is obviously less important for you, so you can stick to leaner meats with less saturated fat. Trans fat should be avoided at all costs.

The 40% protein can be basically any kind of protein your body can tolerate. Whey protein is my preferred option. For some people, Whey concentrate can be harder on the stomach, so Whey isolate should be substituted. If you're trying to avoid dairy, Egg or pea protein is a great option. I would strongly recommend investing in protein powder, as getting 40% of your total calories strictly through food will be a challenge (plus it's expensive!). Protein powder is cheap, effective and makes reaching your protein goals simple.

The 20% carbs are the smallest part of your diet, but the most complicated part to deal with. When it comes to fat loss, keeping your blood sugar stabilized is super important, but having enough energy to get a killer workout and recover is also important. I avoid starchy carbs like sugar (including fruit) unless it's before or immediately after my workout. Starchy carbs spike blood sugar levels, which is helpful for energy and recovery. If you eat a lot of starchy carbs, then do nothing, it's likely your body will store the glucose as fat. Pre- and post- workout I eat starchy carbs, the rest of the day I stick to non-starchy carbs like veggies and other high-fiber foods. A good rule of thumb that I follow is to stick to foods that have a starch:fiber ratio of 3:1 or less. For example, a serving of broccoli has 6g carbs and 2g of fiber. This is a 3:1 ratio, which would be acceptable to eat any time during the day.

What To Do If This Ratio Doesn't work?

There's a pretty good chance that this ratio will stop working for you at one point or another. Like I said earlier, a lot of things go into finding the right ratio of macronutrients. If you begin to feel like you don't have enough energy to get a good workout, you may need more carbs. If you don't feel like you're progressing because you aren't recovering quickly enough, you may need more carbs. I wouldn't lower your carb intake any less than 20% as this could lead to hormonal imbalance and a screeching halt in your fat loss.

When it comes to changing your ratio, make small changes. Don't adjust any greater than 5% at a time. For starters, if you increase your carb intake by 5%, lower your fat intake by 5%. Monitor your progress for a couple weeks, if you see success just stick with it. If you still don't see progress, make another small adjustment.

How To Get Rid Of Muffin Top Fat

Get Rid of Muffin Top Fat: Why Doing Ab Exercises Won't Work

It's a common misconception that the best exercises to get rid of muffin top fat are the one that focus on the muffin top area itself. The fact is, while that might seem to make the most sense, it's simply not true. There are a couple of things that factor into this, part of it is diet, and part of it is some of the science behind workouts themselves.

Why Belly Fat is the Most Stubborn and How to Melt Away the Muffin Top

Our society today is overflowing with delicious tasting foods. The problem is that the vast majority of these foods, though they taste so good, are made from artificial and chemically altered ingredients. There are a few particularly bad ones that contribute a lot to belly fat and love handles. Some of them are high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, and enriched wheat flower. These ingredients and many others have been severely altered from their natural forms, so your body cannot process them as it ought to. This results in quick build up of fats surrounding your internal organs as well as simply over your muscle. It's the combination of those fats that make the muffin top area so hard to lose. You can start the fat melting process by avoiding processed and artificial foods. This is easy to do by simply making the foods you already love at home with real ingredients.

Why Ab Exercises Just Won't Work for getting rid of Belly Fat and Love Handles

Now that you know how to fight the build up of belly fat through avoiding the right foods, it will be easier to understand why all of those cool little magical ab machines won't give you the results you crave. Because so much of the fat in the muffin top area stems from internal fat, doing exercises that are meant to strengthen the abs and core won't be enough to burn the belly fat away. The reason for this is that your body will burn more fat, for longer, and in the places you need if your workout raises your metabolic rate for an extended amount of time.

How to Get Rid of Muffin Top Fat ?
The problem with exercises that isolate any one muscle group, such as ab crunches, tricep extensions, bicep curls, or leg extensions, is that even if you do them at a rate that pumps up your cardio, your metabolic rate will only be increased and burning fat for a couple hours after you finish. In order to get rid of that muffin top fat fast you should be doing compound, or multi-joint exercises. An example of some of these are, pull-ups, squats, presses, and lunges. Exercises like these work entire muscle groups together, giving you a full body work out and a better cardiovascular workout. A good full body workout using compound exercises will raise your metabolic rate for up to two days, instead of the measly two hours of other workouts. That means that your body is dissolving that stomach fat long after you finish your workout.

The Truth about losing muffin top fat

The reality is, there will always be people out there trying to sell the latest miracle Ab forming device, or trying to market that their processed foods are good for you because they've "enriched" it with vitamins. The truth is that in order to really lose the muffin top fat, you need to focus on what brings health and fitness to your body as a whole.