If you are looking to shed a few pounds, you do not have to go on a diet. Well not a full blown diet anyway.
The key to losing a few pounds is making little changes in your everyday lifestyle. Use the stairs and not the lift. Add walking into your daily routine. If you can do 10,000 steps per day you will be burning a few calories more. Burning calories equates to burning fat which equates to losing weight. 10,000 steps sounds a lot but you do not need to do them all at once. Go for a walk on the morning, maybe a stroll at dinnertime and then on the evening. If you live close enough cycle to work or walk. You won't believe how easy 10,000 steps becomes. Start of doing 2 to 3,000 if need be and slowly increase it.

If this is you, you need to ditch the diet approach unless you are going to keep to it for life this time!
Make a few little adjustments, cut the calories, keep busy even find a hobby that involves movement. Then stick to it. You will soon find that this becomes your lifestyle and you will not want the old lifestyle, the old you back. You will lose weight and become more healthy slowly but surely. You will find that you become more active and want to be active. You will probably find that if you sit down for too long you will become restless and have to do something, anything.
The sooner that you admit to yourself that you have got to take responsibility for your life the better you will feel. "Try it you will like it", make that decision and take that leap. You will land in a better life. Healthier, fitter, confident knowing that you will be able to face life with a smile on your face.
A few little changes can make a lot of difference in your life. Imagine waking up to a new happier you. A few little changes in your daily routine. Just a slightly smaller portion. Cut out a snack and be a bit more active is all that it might take to make it a reality. Yes that dream can come true. You just have to want it enough to go out and do it.
Make it your goal to live a healthier and happier lifestyle not just go on a diet that will only help you in the short term. Change your future, do it now and "Live the Dream" as they say.
You can do it...
Weight loss can be approached from many different angles. If you want to lose weight and live a better quality of life you need to ditch the weight for good
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