Saturday, February 18, 2023

Pippa Middleton stays slim with clever 'choices' - her 'delicious' everyday breakfast

 Pippa Middleton has three children with her millionaire husband James Matthews: Arthur, Grace and Rose.

Pippa Middleton has been recently pictured on the island of St Bart's, in the Caribbean, with her husband James Matthews and their three children. The Princess of Wales's sister looked fantastic in a tiny red bikini, but what is her secret to losing weight after having children and staying slim?

Pippa Middleton explained that exercising is "part of my weekly routine", especially running and fitness.

However, she admitted that this has changed since having children: "Family life and motherhood has consumed much of my spare time.

"I suppose, my running has been more after babies and toddlers than crossing finish lines, which I’m fine with — for now!" she said during an interview with activewear brand Hoka.

Kate's sister continued: "Being active with my son in the park or playground, transporting him on the back of my bike, and buggy running when he was a baby have been ways in which I have been able to include outdoor exercise whilst being a hands-on mummy."

The socialite explained that regular exercise helps "manage my weight" and the time she spends running and playing with the kids "is time efficient".

"It gives us both the chance to enjoy the fresh air and explore the great outdoors," Pippa explained.

But it is a combination of exercise and diet that helps her maintain her fantastic figure as she admitted in the past that she follows a healthy and varied diet.

Pippa explained that she never leaves the house without having breakfast. "Can't start the day properly without breakfast," she said.

Normally, she has "lots of porridge or boiled eggs with soldiers" in the morning but other times she opts for yoghurt, avocado on toast, and muesli.

"My usual breakfast is either plain yoghurt with chopped fruit and toasted seeds, oats and nuts or toasted rye bread with eggs or avocado," Pippa told The i.

She also enjoys "Bircher muesli with fresh berries on top" and "you can even make a batch for the whole week," she suggested.

To maintain the desired weight and stay slim, balance and moderation are key although some sugary treats from time to time are allowed.

"I grew up with the belief that good health is about moderation in all things, so I’ll be celebrating healthy living through exercise, a balanced diet and a little of the naughty stuff sprinkled in - I'm talking chocolate, crisps and an occasional glass of wine," she wrote in Waitrose magazine.

Pippa revealed that she has never tried the Dukan diet, attempted Atkins or "exercised religiously seven days a week" to lose weight.

"But I do believe in making healthy choices - keeping refined carbs such as white bread and pasta to a minimum, and sticking to sensible portion sizes," she said.

Pippa also revealed that after having children, she worked out "for 45 minutes, three or four times a week, depending on my energy levels".

In terms of future fitness goals, Kate's sister said that she would like to participate in the London and New York marathons or the Coast-to-Coast multi-sport event in New Zealand.

Her dream is to take part in the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc MCC, the 40km race, and the Cape Town Cycle Tour.

"One day, my dream would be to participate in a sporting challenge or epic adventure with my own children," she added.



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